Subject: Re: VS2000?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/24/1998 17:13:24 (Allison J Parent) wrote:
> Does anyone know the pinout and other information for the port adaptor
> used to get at the extra ports on the VS2000?
The two non-standard connectors on KA410 (MV2000 and VS2000) are the DB9 and
the DB15. The pins on the DB9 are:
1 - Chassis ground
2 - TxD for serial port 3 (used as the console in the serial console mode)
3 - RxD for serial port 3 (used as the console in the serial console mode)
4 - No connection
5 - +12V DC
6 - No connection
7 - Chassis ground
8 - Ground
9 - Console selection (connect to pin 8 to select the serial console or leave
    open to select the graphical console).
The pins on the DB15 are:
1 - GPX video red
2 - GPX video color return
3 - Base mono video return
4 - Fused +5V DC
5 - RxD for serial port 1 (used for the mouse in the graphical console mode)
6 - According to the manual "keyboard ground"
7 - Chassis ground
8 - Fused +12V DC
9 - Base mono video signal
10 - GPX video green
11 - GPX video blue
12 - -12V DC
13 - TxD for serial port 1 (used for the mouse in the graphical console mode)
14 - RxD for serial port 0 (used for the keyboard in the graphical console
15 - TxD for serial port 0 (used for the keyboard in the graphical console
The only remaining connector is the DB25. This is serial port 2, the only one
unaffected by the console mode. Its pinout is standard. The information on the
DB9 and the DB15 is taken from the owner's manual for VS2000, edited by me to
cover MV2000 equally well. The same DB15 is also used on KA42 (VS3100
M30/38/40/48) and KA43 (VS3100 M76).

Michael Sokolov
Phone: 440-449-0299
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