Subject: Re: VS3100M76 odyssey continues...
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Carlsson, Anders <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/23/1998 11:14:16
Paul Apprich had the following output when he tried to boot his VS3100M76:

> sdopen: ctlr=0 unit=0 part=0
> sdstrategy(0,0): size=512 blk=0 nblk=1 scsi_tt_read: ctlr 0, slave 0, len
> 512, blk 0, nblk 1 sc_rdwt: op 3, block 0, ram 107dd4, len 1, sc_adr 1,
> lun 0 
> exec_scsi_low(0x10cfb0, 1) 
> sc_wait_bus_free() 
> sc_select(1)
> sc_dma_setup(4, 1080500) sc_receive() begin: 48/48 48 48 48 48 48 etc

So do I if I try to boot without b/1 and rom()netbsd instead of /netbsd.

Brian Chase suggested to jumper the SCSI drive to something else than 0.
I've now checked one of those M76 at my place, and could not find a such
jumper in hardware, either on the RZ24 SCSI disks or somewhere on the
motherboard. Is this a software setting at the boot monitor? At least I 
can not find a "set scsia" or something there.

Is the only solution for us two to boot without interaction to set bflg
to b/1 and recompile a kernel that sets root device etc?

	Anders Carlsson