Subject: Re: FS: Vax 9000/8350/HSC40 (fwd)
To: Arno Griffioen <>
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/22/1998 18:51:58
> > We have for sale in the SW Wisconsin area
> > Vax 9000
> Wow! A 9000!
> Talk about some serious metal! Would make quite a decent NetBSD
> compile platform I guess :-)
Yes, definitely. At ~40 VUPs/CPU it could scream along. And you could
possibly have 6 CPUs in the system...
> Any NetBSD support for such a beast? I doubt it, but who knows ;-)
Not today, but if someone would give me one, I'd voulunteer to do the
port... It would have to be in, or pretty near Sweden though. Couldn't
afford to fetch it otherwise..
> I'm afraid even if I could get my grubby paws on one I wouldn't
> be able to get it into our attic. The 3600 and RA82 was heavy enough ;-)
Even talking about a 3600 and a 9000 in the same sentence makes me laugh.
I wonder how many 3600 you could fit inside a 9000... 30? Probably even
more... Carry it? No way. I've moved an 8650 a few times, and that sure
was interesting enough... I'd still want a 9000 though.
> > hardware. Willing to sell as parts. Make an offer.
> Shock! Horror! 'sell as parts'...
Unfortunately, I'd expect it will go as scrap. Not many people can find
space for a 9000, not to mention power and cooling.
We're talking mainframes here...
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol