Subject: Re: FS: Vax 9000/8350/HSC40 (fwd)
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/22/1998 11:38:55
> We have for sale in the SW Wisconsin area
>       Vax 9000

Wow! A 9000!

Talk about some serious metal! Would make quite a decent NetBSD
compile platform I guess :-)

Any NetBSD support for such a beast? I doubt it, but who knows ;-)

I'm afraid even if I could get my grubby paws on one I wouldn't
be able to get it into our attic. The 3600 and RA82 was heavy enough ;-)

> hardware.  Willing to sell as parts.  Make an offer.

Shock! Horror! 'sell as parts'...

> You come get it.

Aaah! And if I ask really, really nice?? ;-)

Oh well. I can dream.. One day, one day! 

							Bye Arno.

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