Subject: RRDxx
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Sokolov <sokolov@alpha.CES.CWRU.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/1998 22:46:43
   Dear Antonio,
   You wrote:
> If the light on the front does not light briefly on power-up, then it
> sounds very much like a dead drive. It may be that all that is wrong is
> the internal PSU: you should be able to open the box up and verify that
> the +5V and/or +12V feed to the drive are good - alternatively remove the
> RRD42 from its casing and temporarily hook it up as an internal PC drive
> to see if it powers up at all. If it does then you need a new internal
> PSU (or perhaps a new case with PSU would be cheaper?).
   As I have said in my message to Long Wang, which I copied to you and
port-vax, disassembing the external case was the very first thing I did,
and I was testing BOTH the CDU-541 aka RRD42 and the CDU-561 by connecting
them to the power supply from that case. Although now it's sitting in my
IBM PC AT compatible's internal bay, the CDU-561 was working perfectly WITH
THAT POWER SUPPLY, which indicates that it's good.
   Michael Sokolov
   Phone: 440-449-0299
   ARPA Internet SMTP mail: