Subject: VT220 blowing fuses
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gordon Zaft <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/1998 13:03:13
This is not, strictly speaking, a NetBSD question, but I hav a VT220
I'd been using WITH my uVAX II running 1.2G (how's that?).
Anyway, I recently moved into a bigger place, one that actually has room
for 2 uVAX IIs, a uVAX III, 2 VS II/GPXs and a VS3100.... only to find that
my vt220 is blowing fuses. The fuse blows as soon as I power the terminal
on. Before I open this puppy up to look, any suggestions? The fuse I had
was a 1.5A slow-blow and I replaced it with the same.
Thanks in advance.
Gordon C. Zaft