Subject: Re: Hmm... supported machines question...
To: J. Buck Caldwell <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/14/1998 10:14:32
> Don't suppose NetBSD/vax runs on the Micro-PDP, hmm? My boss as two of
> these gathering dust in BA23 enclosures.Don't know what type of CPU it
> is, doesn't have the memory interconnect cable, just the two back-panel
> connectors. Also: What is an emulex TU05? and can anyone send me a list
> of Emulex-made (netbsd-supported) Qbus SCSI controllers?
No, NetBSD doesn't run on these. 2.9BSD might, however; it is still actively
maintained AFAIK by hobbyists. Try to search the archive of this mailing