Subject: Incorrect netmask on 1.3_ALPHA
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arno Griffioen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/11/1998 22:08:13
I don't know if this is a generic problem with 1.3_ALPHA, or olny
a VAX problem..

I can't set the interface netmask to the orrect value for my local
net here.

I have a 16-host network with netmask here, but 
ifconfig qe0 always shows 0xffffff00 as the netmask.
Setting it manually using ifconfig doesn't change it :-(

It _is_ used that way (and not just a display error), because I can't 
reach te other networks that come from the same /24 network as my (sub)net.
The other machines in my net (Xterminal, Linux box, Amiga, etc.) do
work OK, so the network setup itself is OK..

I just noticed it, so I'm not sure if 1.2 also had the problem..

Any ideas?

								Bye Arno.
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