Subject: Re: Got It (VAX8200)
To: James Robinson <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/08/1998 12:38:35
On January 8, James Robinson wrote:
> 1        2        T1001        D1

  This is the KA820 CPU board.

> 2        0        T1010        E2

  BI<->Unibus interface set, BI side.

> 3        4        T1018        C1

  "BI adapter data transfer module"...not sure exactly what this is.

> 4        5        T1017        D1

  BI<->CI750 interface

> 9        10      T1008BC    A1    memory size??
> 10    11        T1008BC    A1    memory size??
> 11    12        T1008BC    A1    memory size??
> 12    13        T1008BC    A1    memory size??

  MS820-A 2mb ECC memory...I believe this is the smallest BI memory
board made. :-(

> In the unibuss cage: BA11-AY
> M7792    Ethernet??
> M7793    Ethernet??

  DEUNA Ethernet.

> M7819
> M7819

  DZ11A serial mux, 8 serial ports each.

> M7867    XWA0
> M7867    XWB0
> M7867    XWC0

  DUP11 SDLC synchronous serial interfaces.

> and 3 RA82 (size?????) These have no Diskid's (the kids were using them as
> goal posts for hockey OUCH!!!)

  The RA82 is around 622mb.

> Any help would be REALLY  appricated... If someone could tell me
> more about the CPU box and the 15 pin cable conntor on the back
> that would also be great.... Does anyone know where I can get a
> reprint of the Doc's?..

  The db15 on the back is AUI ethernet.  Incidentally, I don't see an
 SDI disk controller in there anywhere...weird...

                          -Dave McGuire