Subject: Re: your mail
To: James Robinson <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/07/1998 14:49:37
> Thanks to all who sent me a message...... ;-)
> I have a few questions for the group:
> 4) Can I get (buy or send tape) a Distrubution on tk50 or what ever the
>     VAX 8200 has for a boot media?
> Thanks again...
> James Robinson

If you are where I think you are, I'd be glad to help. It might
take me a little time to get things re-assembled to actually write
a current tape, but I would do it.

> Sierra Technologies, Inc.
>    Buffalo, NY 14203

Kevin Zachmann			Unix Technical Support Services		Computing and Information Technology
				State University of New York at Buffalo

It's quite a few zip codes away :-)
