Subject: Can't boot!
To: port-vax@NetBSD.ORG <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Þorður Ivarsson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/04/1998 16:32:12
I asked about system few day ago and I got it, it is now on my bedroom
floor and is able to 'run VMS' and trying to boot from network :-(

The actual configuration is:

MicroVAX 3100 model 20
32MB of RAM
1x RZ24 - 200MB hard disk
1x TZ30 - tapedrive for TK50 95MB tape
1x TLZ04 - DAT tapedrive
1x BA42 Storage Expansion box with:
  2x RZ56 - 665MB hard disks
and bunch of TK50 tapes.

Well, I run FreeBSD on 166mhz pentium and did all the things menioned

I removed 16MB memory expansion from the system.

What happens is:

It read the 'mopboot' file
It starts to read the kernel file
and ends hanging with the text  
683008+35840+70760 start 0x9a1fc
and nothing more!

Can you help me?

Þórður Ívarsson		Thordur Ivarsson
Rafeindavirki		Electronic technician
Norðurgötu 30		Nordurgotu 30
Box 309			Box 309
602 Akureyri		602 Akureyri
Ísland			Iceland

FreeBSD has good features,
Some others are full of unwanted features!