Subject: Re: strange disks...
To: None <mxs46@po.CWRU.EDU>
From: Tim Shoppa <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/31/1997 11:22:21
> >Of the companies that sell Q-bus and Unibus MSCP controllers, I think
> >the only ones still intact are Dilog, Andromeda, and CMD.
>    I know all of these except Andromeda. Do you know any contact
> coordinates for them?

The Sales guy is Don Talmadge at 818-709-7600.  They cater
mainly to OEM customers, but as an ordinary joe I've had no problem
getting the attention of the right people at Andromeda to address
all my concerns.

> >Most of the DEC resellers (i.e. Newman, Continental Computers, etc)
> >will have used Emulex QD32's/33's available.
>    Could you give me some contact coordinates for them?

Most of these are listed on the DDA's web page,

I know that Newman has their own web page at
