Subject: RE: uVAX II
To: 'port-vax@NetBSD.ORG' <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/26/1997 03:14:09
> It is a MSCP device and boots as if it were rqdx3.  there is a drive 
> size limit of 800meg for booting or some such.
> Mine boots vms just fine from a 670 meg drive. works good!

Just for the record: I have a very old QBUS MSCP->SCSI controller in my
uVAX II (sorry, can't remember the controller make and model offhand,
it's at work and I'm obviously not! ;-). Mine boots NetBSD just fine
from a 1.2GB Seagate Wren VII SCSI drive. Works perfectly.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Gunnar Helliesen   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway        | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2   | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)