Subject: Re: uVAX II
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: P.D.Helliwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/24/1997 17:12:54

On Tue, 23 Dec 1997, Dave Arthur wrote:

> I'd like to bother someone for some information on a uVAXII

Hmm, so would I ...

> I just inherited one, in a castered case with the following
> KA630 processor
> 4 RD54's
> 1 TK50

Basically what it is is that I have a MVII in the catered case (BA123, I 
think) and it now has three RD54s and an RD53 and a RX50.  Just out of 
interest, how are your drives set up.  Do you have two of the controller 
cards, or just one and no floppy?

> What is the syntax at the >>> prompt, I tried the same commands I use 
> with my KA650 and they don't work :-(

OK, supposing I get that lot  to work, how do you tell it to boot from 
the first RX50?, I'm new to this.  The main thing I can tell you is that 
the indicator lights only come on for the top two drives when power is 
applied.  That's the HALT/READY buttons for the hard drives.  The machine 
is made up of the original machine and bits from a dead machine.

> Thanks
> --
> Dave Arthur
> Business Department
> Burridge Campus
> Nova Scotia Community College

Thank you.

|o| Phil Helliwell                Dogs do           O  |o|
|o| Electronic Eng.              *NOT* like        /|\ |o|
|o| University of Hull,UK        unicyclists.      <<  |o|
|o| My views are my own :*)  (or maybe they do ;-)  0  |o|