Subject: Success- almost :-)
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dave Arthur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/04/1997 08:23:24
I finally found 1.2G and installed it on my uVAXIII. The system 
booted and I was able to do an edlabel & copy. I brought the files 
down over NFS and expanded.

I can boot the system up after all this but its by no means 
automatic. I performed disklabel -B ra0a before I started.

At >>> I type b/3 dua0, the system boots to Nboot : at this point I 
type ra(0,0)netbsd and the system comes up, I then answer questions 
about swap and root. After all this I'm running ( quite well I might 
add )

No I'm sure I missed about a zillion things... could somone help out 

BTW I think I might re-write the install manual :-)


Dave Arthur
Business Department
Burridge Campus
Nova Scotia Community College