Subject: VS4000
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Guptill <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/19/1997 06:40:57
Are the VS4000 machines all similiar with just simple controller
differences, etc. or are they going to be a difficult porting job as they
start to become available to us? I ask because we're retiring 3 4000VLCs
and a 4000/60 when their licenses expire, and possibly a 4000/90 soon
after. These machines are modern enough that they're actually still
somewhat respectable (on a typical day, our big 4000/60 supports more
interactive users than any other single machine in our dept.), and might be
a really appealing platform once the hardware is available.
Assuming they are not government-owned (some of our equipment is), I might
be able to loan someone a 4000-series machine for porting work if there's
any interest.
- Tom