Subject: Re: Anybody for graphics on a 3100? {YEAH!}
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/13/1997 18:46:28
I have a VR160DA color display. I gotta get rid of it, as well as
one VT-320 terminal. Will trade for two 400-512 MB ide hard drives. I have
to set up a dedicated *BSD system to jump-start a VS3100-M76-SPX. I have
been keeping an eagle's eye on this group because I have a 20 inch color
display connected the the VS and would like to use this as a website
At the risk of sounding conmmercial, my company has a number of
VT-3xx and VT-4xx terminals for sale. These are not popular items for
repair or sale in a PC oriented shop, so the prices should be competitive.
Inquiries should be sent to:
Paul Apprich
c/o ICS
45 Route 46 East
Unit 610
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
+1 973 808 9646 vox
+1 973 808 9722 fax