Subject: NetBSd1.3A on uVaxII
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Smith <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/09/1997 18:09:02
Just an update.
As usual, I am having a little bit of a problem bringing up 1.3A.
I have tried to load it from tape, wrote the tape frm a 1.2G and from a
1.1A system (did two tk50 tapes).

I get the copy to work fine, I get the tape boot to work fine obviously.

When I try to boot my ra0b partition with netbsd I get a message that 
says "wrong format"
having the luxury of 3 drives on this little beasty I reboot from 1.2G
and mount ra0b as /mnt.
I go in an take a peek (ls -l /mnt)
and find the netbsd kernel is about 550K.
I take a peek at, and it is 800K plus.
I look at my kernel file that I downloaded (800K plus).
So, I have made the assumption that my tk50 files have been corrupted either
in download or in writing the tape.
I figure I will try one more time to get the TK files, and then do the 
cheating bob style:
new fs the partition from 1.2G, disklabel -B the drive, copy over the netbsd 
file for 1.3A, the boot, the . stuff, unzip/untar the bin, sbin, var, dev, etc,
and so on files.  Then do the Usr-land files.

Now, don't jump to any conclusions, don't forget it was 27 failures 
before I got 1.1A installed successfully and I know myfumble fingers!~!

If any one else has good luck with uV and tk50, zap me and rub it