Subject: 1.3 alpha snapshot uploaded.
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/04/1997 00:39:11
I have now (at last :-) finished the generation of the 1.3 alpha snapshot
for vax. It took 9 days (!) to compile everything and another 2 days to
generate a distribution on a 11/785. But now it's finished anyway, so
I would like you out there to grab it and test it and send comments
back to me about it. It's located in pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-1.3_ALPHA/vax
Things to note:
- Massbuss disks have stopped to work under 1.3. I don't know why but
I will not have time to fix it before the release.
- The bug in troff that causes coredumps still remains. The solution is
to compile the groff package without -O flag. Troff in the snapshot
is compiled without -O.
- There's a file link.h that doesn't get installed when doing make includes
because the vax port doesn't have dynamic linking. The absence of this
file causes some programs not to compile. To avoid this I have put
a copy of it in the snapshot.
Othervise it seems to run stable for me, as for a couple of people out
there that has posted to the list. The compile machine have had a load
between 3-4 for many days now without complaints; the same machine is
also one of the FreeBSD mirrors in Sweden.
Have fun with it!
-- Ragge