Subject: Re: Newbie question
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wilson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/30/1997 09:12:01
>From: Kees Stravers <>
>But of course you then get the question
>of how to get the TU58 images on the disk of the emulating computer first.
My PUTR.COM program for DOS can read/write TU58 tapes using a drive plugged
into a PC COM port. I've heard that the 730 console tapes use the RT-11
file structure (never got around to checking myself), if this is true then
PUTR can access individual files, but any case it can transfer raw images
of the whole tape either way so it can be used to copy tapes or take
snapshots for an emulator.
Bob Armstrong has designed a nice 8051-based PCB that emulates a TU58
from ROM/SRAM etc.
John Wilson
D Bit