Subject: Re: TU58 protocol (Was Re: Newbie question)
To: Brian Murray <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/30/1997 11:27:45
> Does anyone have the specs for this protocol? If so, this opens up two
Yes, I have, it can also be found in the VAX Peripheral Handbook and
called RSP (Radial Serial Protocol). It's _very_ simple.
> 1) The ability to use a PC as a fake TU58 drive to bootstrap a 750 or 730
Yes, but you need also a TU58 drive. A "normal" TU58 are connected into
any serial port, but the internal one from a 750 isn't connected in
the same way. So, you need to go out and find some old PDP diehard
that still have one of the external TU58's. I don't think that you can
find somewhere inside a 750 you can connect a serial port.
I think a much better idea is to write a small PC program that can
dump over programs via the console 'X' flag.
-- Ragge