Subject: TU58 protocol (Was Re: Newbie question)
To: Dave McGuire <>
From: Brian Murray <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/30/1997 20:12:11
> The TU58 is, however, a *very* simple beast. It communicates via a
> serial line using a very simple protocol. It'd be trivial to emulate
> that with pretty much any computer with a serial port running a little
> program.
Does anyone have the specs for this protocol? If so, this opens up two
possibilities :
1) The ability to use a PC as a fake TU58 drive to bootstrap a 750 or 730
2) The ability to read/write to an extracted TU58 drive mechanism to create
boot tapes. Since I have such a drive, it would be fun to see if I can
talk to it.
If I can get the specs, I might try knocking up a Linux program or two.
Then, I could offer to create TU58 boot tapes for folks if needed, provided
they pay for media and postage. (Can you still get TU58 tapes or equivalent?)
I now have a '730 (as well as a '750), and wouldn't mind seeing NetBSD run on
it too...
------------------------------------------------ Jpotherington Bent McRent ----
Brian Murray