Subject: Re: Newbie question
To: Nevyn <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/29/1997 00:59:38
On October 28, you wrote:
> Hey, your talking to a guy that has enough ARCnet equipment for over 100PCs
> and about 50 MFM controllers and that's just the beginning! I am a pack
> rat.  I think this one fell into safe hands :)  To be honest though, I have


> had my doubt about the stories I have heard about there being enough gold
> to be worth something.  I have been told there is $1500 worth of gold in
> one.  

  Well...I can vouch for acquaintance of mine is a very rich
man because of it...He scraps large IBM gear, like 3090-style
stuff...and some older VAX gear as well.

> Hmm... well, it was mentioned to me by someone (Jim maybe?) that he had
> found several people who had '730s.  Now if one of those people has alot of
> time on their hands and the expertise to do it... 


                              -Dave McGuire