Subject: Re: Vax up and running!
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/13/1997 20:19:33
>> "Check out my wickedly complex Ultra-CISC MicroVAX II.  Bet your
>> Pentium II 300MHz can't crank out 0.9 VUPS like this baby can!

Hey, when we went to the MicroVAX-II we were happy because it was about
1.25 times our old 780, for our jobs.  Where'd you get that 0.9 figure?

> *chuckle*  You'd be hard pressed to _find_ someone that owned a
> PII/300 that even [k]new what a VUP was...  Which if memory serves, 1
> VUP is the equivalent to an 11/780, right? *grin*

Nominally, I think.  I don't know for what workload, though.  As for
your first sentence, give the PII/300 a while to come down in price and
I might buy one, though, and would then be a counterexample.  (I hate
the Intel "architecture".  It just seems to be the most crunch for the
dollar at present - we have a P166 in the house already, for much that

					der Mouse

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