Subject: Re: Vax up and running!
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allison J Parent <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/13/1997 19:10:32
<*chuckle*  You'd be hard pressed to _find_ someone that owned a PII/300 
<that even new what a VUP was...  Which if memory serves, 1 VUP is the 
<equivalent to an 11/780, right? *grin*

And a PDP-11/23 is about .2-3vup and the then supreme 4mhz/Z80 was 
considered about 80-100 milliVUPS.

I wonder what the benchmark was to test everything agaist the 780 standard.

Also 3100s were more than .9, I think that family started with the Cvax at 
2.5!  I know the 3100m76 is about 7.8.
