Subject: Re: Netbooting 3100 from NetBSD 386
To: NetBSD/VAX Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/06/1997 10:13:27
On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, Rick Copeland wrote:
> Instead of using the Linox, Lunin, Lumpnix, Luspus or whatever that thing
> is, is it possible to use NetBSD 386 and keep the whole netbooting of the
> favored 3100 in the family so to speak (of course with out major hacking on
> the netbooting code)?
Er... Yes! It's actually a lot easier to netboot from NetBSD or OpenBSD
than it is to boot from Linux. I included config sections in the HOWTO
for those OSes sometime in July. They're probably easy to overlook given
the sheer volume of instructions required in explaining how to get Linux
up to the task.
Brian D. Chase Systems Coordinator
-- Compression, Inc. - 13765 Alton Pkwy, Suite B - Irvine, CA 92618, USA --