Subject: uVAX II problem with TK50
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joop Carels <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/04/1997 16:43:48
I have a uVAX II, on which I'd like to run NetBSD.

No problem, cooked up a tape, booted the thing, all is still well.

Edlabel... cewl, it works.
Copy... hmm, something wrong here.

When I start copy I get the request from which device to load the miniroot. I
answer 'mt(0,1)' for the first TK-50. But when I tell it to 'go' it reports
an error. Something like, 'Reading... cannot open device mt'.

Anybody had previous experience with this? (were you able to solve it?)

The strange thing is that the system boots from tape AND it loads the
edlabel and copy programs, but it refuses to copy the miniroot.

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