Subject: Re: 1.2G status after 72 Hours
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/29/1997 17:02:22
On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Rick Copeland wrote:
> Sounds exciting! Why don't you send the exact proceedure to the list?
I've had semi-simillar luck with the 1.2G kernel image provided by Ragge.
I built the system up with the 1.1A tapes you sent me (thanks again), from
there I got all my hardware quirks worked out to the point where I felt my
system was stable.
I recopied the 1.1A miniroot, booted up the miniroot, and mounted my
existing 1.1A filesystems. From there I copied over the kernel, boot, and
bootblock images from I placed the
netbsd and boot files over the older 1.1A ones on my existing filesystems,
and then I disklabeled my boot drive with the new bootblocks.
Next I copied over a set of tar.gz 1.2G binaries I had laying around. I
removed a lot of the 1.1A directories and their contents as they'd be
replaced with 1.2G files. (The whole procedure is a mildly challenging
exercise in space managment). From there I just untarred the 1.2G
binaries into their appropriate locations.
The system works pretty well, but I've found an interesting difficulty in
that if I use nearly any of the standard Unix commands but supply a
non-existant filename as an argument. Command like `ls -l nofile' causes
the system to panic. That's where the `semi' in semi-simillar came from.
Ragge assured me that he's fixed that one -- and apparently Robert hasn't
experienced the same problem. I guess now it's just a matter of me
getting a more recent 1.2G kernel :-) I'll work on that tonight.
I also have to clean up my /etc directory. I kept my 1.1A /etc so I've
got sort of a hybrid system. Probably not a good thing.
BTW, I don't recommend the above procedures if ye are not brave of heart.
Brian D. Chase Systems Coordinator
-- Compression, Inc. - 13765 Alton Pkwy, Suite B - Irvine, CA 92618, USA --