Subject: Re: 1.2G status after 72 Hours
To: Robert Smith <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/29/1997 16:08:45

Sounds exciting!  Why don't you send the exact proceedure to the list?

Rick Copeland

At 05:43 PM 7/29/97 -0400, Robert Smith wrote:
>I have had 1.2G running since 1600 or so on Sunday on a uVII,
>13MB, RD54 etc.
>Looks GOOD!
>I just got my second system updated -same config.
>I have not yet take ragge's advice to fix my ps command problem,
>will get to that after a little bit.
>I am having a little bit of a kinky problem with both systems:
>when I do a netstat -r, I get a report back that says my local host
>that is my system name - is on lo0 vice qe0.  If I do a ping to myself
>I get one ping about 20ms response, then do a netstat -r, I still get my
>system on lo0 vice qe0.
>I think I have a config/setup prob to adjust but everything else
>seems just fine.
>I have one 1.1A system running.  Seems the boot up is just a tick 
>quicker on 1.2G than on 1.1A.  Now, this is on two different 1.2G systems
>with like hardware.  The 1.1A is a bit larger (16MB vice 13) but I am talking 
>netbsd boot up not vax diag time, I know that the memory test is longer
>on the 16MB than on the 13.
>Ether thru put is still GREAT.  More than 300KB (bytes) machine to
>machine in single ftp session with telnet runnint to both machines
>cross connected (pc with telnet to each, each telnetted to the other
>from the pc sessions) most I have run is 4 telnets simultaneously.
>Looking pretty good from here! (don't want to yell GREAT GREAT GREAT 
>just yet but it sure feels like it!!)
>oh, only took one try to build second system!! I guess that FAQ
>from Gunnar is still in my head (and right by my terminal/pc!!).
>Far cry from my 27 attempts the first load of 1.1A!!
Rick Copeland