Subject: 1.2G status after 72 Hours
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Smith <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/29/1997 17:43:47
I have had 1.2G running since 1600 or so on Sunday on a uVII,
13MB, RD54 etc.
Looks GOOD!
I just got my second system updated -same config.
I have not yet take ragge's advice to fix my ps command problem,
will get to that after a little bit.
I am having a little bit of a kinky problem with both systems:
when I do a netstat -r, I get a report back that says my local host
that is my system name - is on lo0 vice qe0. If I do a ping to myself
I get one ping about 20ms response, then do a netstat -r, I still get my
system on lo0 vice qe0.
I think I have a config/setup prob to adjust but everything else
seems just fine.
I have one 1.1A system running. Seems the boot up is just a tick
quicker on 1.2G than on 1.1A. Now, this is on two different 1.2G systems
with like hardware. The 1.1A is a bit larger (16MB vice 13) but I am talking
netbsd boot up not vax diag time, I know that the memory test is longer
on the 16MB than on the 13.
Ether thru put is still GREAT. More than 300KB (bytes) machine to
machine in single ftp session with telnet runnint to both machines
cross connected (pc with telnet to each, each telnetted to the other
from the pc sessions) most I have run is 4 telnets simultaneously.
Looking pretty good from here! (don't want to yell GREAT GREAT GREAT
just yet but it sure feels like it!!)
oh, only took one try to build second system!! I guess that FAQ
from Gunnar is still in my head (and right by my terminal/pc!!).
Far cry from my 27 attempts the first load of 1.1A!!