Subject: Hey guys- My boot tapes don't work.. Help?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg Linder <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/28/1997 16:11:33
	I finally found a machine that has the capabilities to make boot
tapes for 1.2g NetBSD. Here is what I have done to try and make these:
	I got the 12G tk50 file1 and file2 over ethernet onto my
VAXstation 4000 90. I then followed the directions in the NetBSD/vax faq
to try and write the tapes, using MKA500: as the tape TK50 specifier.
Unfortunately, when I execute the copy commands, it seems to write to the
tk50 for an awefully short time, and when I try to boot the tape, it spins
the TK50 for a while and then halts. Any ideas here? I only have access to
the Ethernet here until Wednesday, so I would love any help anyone could
give me so I could at least get the data I need on tk50 media so I can use
these tapes to boot my uVAX II and VAXstation 3100 back home. Thanks in
advance for all who offers their help....

	   Greg Linder