Subject: AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!
To: NetBSD/VAX Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/25/1997 19:51:53
I've found the most amazing reseller of old computer stuff right in my
very own backyard.  It's only around 20mins from where I live.  Tim Shoppa
was kind enough to suggest to me that I check them out.

The company's name is Ficomp, and they've got piles and piles and piles of
old DEC equipment VAXen, DECstations, PDP-11's, RD54 drives by the
hundreds.  A warehouse filled with computational delights far beyond what
my mind could ever hope to conceive!  And at fairly reasonable prices too.
(BTW, I'm in no way affiliated with Ficomp, but I thought it my duty to
inform all my VAX craving friends of their existence).

But alas, my great joy was spoiled with the horror that they actually
throw much DEC equimpent away.  While looking for a VAXstation 2000, they
told me that they just throw those systems in the dumpster.  They pull the
drives and toss the rest of the machine.  The horror, the waste... WE
MUST STOP THE MADNESS!!!  He also confessed that they tend to throw away
VAXstation 3100's as well.  My brain was awash with both overwhelming joy
and intolerable sadness.  The thought of all the forsaken machines, left
to decay in landfills.  It's too much to endure.

Needless to say, the guy who I wandered around the warehouse with thought
I was quite insane to want these old systems.  He made the comment that,
"Most people your age want really fast computers.  You're sort of going
backwards in time are you?".  He couldn't quite appreciate the mentality
behind retrocomputing.

Their web page ( ) doesn't do any justice to
what they're actually stocking.  So give em a call or drop them some
e-mail at

Brian D. Chase         Systems Coordinator
-- Compression, Inc. - 13765 Alton Pkwy, Suite B - Irvine, CA 92618, USA --