Subject: Re: RL02 (was Questions about 'BOOT')
To: James Willing <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/21/1997 16:22:45
James Willing drunkenly mumbled...
> People are just getting spoiled by multi-gigabyte 'pocket' hard drives...
> ( *big* B^} )
i really didn't want to contribute to this, but i just HAVE to drop my $.02 in.
personally, multi-gigabyte "pocket" hard drives suck. they have no character.
no style. no charm.
i'd much rather hang old huge drives got my eyes on 10 1G Differention SCSI
drives that were torn out of what looks to be a PDP-11 by the color of the
face-plate on the drives (it's that un-mistakable blue color) with the very
obvious DEC buttons (write protect, etc), these things are large. 5.25"
form factor with equally sized power-supplies, one PS per HDD. nothing super
fantastic like my RA81 drives, or my RL02 drive and packs, but still far cooler
than some new fancy 3.5" wide 1" high 9G HDD.
anyway, that's enough out of me.
** Brian Hechinger ** ** **
"Yes, evil comes in many forms, whether it be a man-eating cow or
Joseph Stalin, but you can't let the package hide the pudding! Evil
is just plain bad! You don't cotton to it. You gotta smack it in the
nose with the rolled-up newspaper of goodness! Bad dog! Bad dog!"
--The Tick