Subject: Re: Questions about 'BOOT'
To: James Willing <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/21/1997 18:58:13
> As there seems to be some implication of an 'oddity' in the 1.2x boot
> code, I've got a question (or two)...
> I've been trying to get 1.2C loaded up on my MicroVAX II with an RA-81
> drive on the standard DEC controller.  EDLABEL and COPY seem to go fine,
> but when I go back to boot the miniroot ( "ra(0,1)netbsd" )the system
> always returns "no such file or directory" (or something very similar).
be sure that you actually wrote the label correctly on the disk.

> Also... (while I'm here) is there support in the current system for RL02
> drives on the RLV-21 (? Std. DEC RL controller, 22 bit ver.) controller?
No, and there will probably never be if not someone that has a ctlr
is willing to write a device driver. And I don't think there are so many
that has it, the drives can carry 10MB and is HEAVY. :-)

The RL02 support for console media on 86X0 works, though.

-- Ragge