Subject: Re: Configuring Apache
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/19/1997 14:51:33
Rick C. says---
> Could anyone shed some light on how exactly they configured and compiled
> Apache web server.  The directions suggest you configure in the "src" dir.
> but I can't find any src directory

Hello Rick,

Logged on at noon and got your message.  Being as I didn't have the
source online since wiping the disks, I went back to apache, got a new
copy and tried it. Since I don't see the problem, I'll describe what I
did and maybe that will help. (I also determined my current server
is/was 1.1.1 from this)

    Ftp'd the latest copy from from the dist directory
        (apache_1_2_1.tar.gz)  and got it back to my uVax.
    Unpacked it, *My* copy has a src directory, as well as cgi-bin,
        htdocs, icons and support directories. in src,
        I glanced at the README & INSTALL. 
    I ran the Configure  (before changing the given config), and suspect
    	that the fact that /dev/null wasn't writable for me I got
        several errors. Fixing that it configured as a FreeBSD/NetBSD machine
    Ran make on the resulting Makefile,  which produced an httpd
(elapsed time 2hrs)

Admittedly I haven't run it yet, nor have I customized the config.
But I don't think you got that far to start. Maybe it was a bad
distribution copy?

I can't drop the new copy in place and test it right now, but I'm
sure some of the docs would mention any major config file and other
changes that I might need to adjust for.
