Subject: Re: DEC server 300
To: Javier Henderson <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/23/1997 18:34:39
On June 23, you wrote:
> > Which is probably not freely available....
> Kinda.
> Every DECserver comes with a license to run the corresponding
> image. You would have to pay DEC a media charge if you were to
> order it.
> Would you be violating anything if you grabbed a copy of the
> image from work and took it home?
> That's left as an exercise to the reader (I -always- wanted
> to say that :).
And the '300 is *so* old, and *so* long out of production, anyone
who'd give you any crap about it is only looking for something to
gripe about.
-Dave McGuire