Subject: Re: DEC server 300
To: Javier Henderson <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/23/1997 17:03:45
On June 23, you wrote:
>  > I would like to know if it is possible to connect a DEC server 300 up to a
>  > uVAX 3600 running 1.1a and have it work.
>  > I have not seen the DEC server 300 listed in the VAX/Netbsd equipment list
>  > nor have I seen any postings regarding this hardware.  
> The DS300 supports TCP/IP for terminal sessions, so you'd be OK
> as far as connecting to the host running NetBSD.
> The problem would be loading the software that the DS300 runs. It only
> supports MOP.

  But one should be able to run mopd on the NetBSD machine, right?
Then all Rick would need is the DS300's boot image.

                              -Dave McGuire