Subject: Re: Alright, damnit, this is getting annoying.
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/11/1997 18:32:04
On June 11, you wrote:
> One of the 'easy' ways to do this, often done with other NetBSD ports,
> is to have more experienced and interested users follow the current
> sources, i.e. building new kernels for themselves and building new
> binaries for themselves every so often.
> If you build a kernel from sources every week, and know that something
> worked with week N-1's sources but didn't work work week N's, then you
> know approximately when the code broke, which helps immensely in
> tracking down the problems.
> NetBSD/vax sounds like it's still very much a "port under development"
> (rather than a port mostly being maintained, with little/slow new
> development) which means that it's somewhat important to have people
> following -current to see what's breaking.
I just picked up a '3500. As soon as I get it checked out & cleaned
up, I think I'll be doing just that. Anyone else?
-Dave McGuire