Subject: Re: Netbooting MicroVAX-II
To: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Update.UU.SE>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/29/1997 21:58:44
On Fri, 30 May 1997, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> On Thu, 29 May 1997, Brian D Chase wrote:
> > On Wed, 28 May 1997, Vitalya S. Lugovsky aka Mauhuur wrote:

> > >  Is there any way to do $SUBJ?
> > > I've MicroVAX-II connected to the local network, where is NetBSD MicroVAX3900
> > > and two OpenVMS VAX4000-xxx.
> > > 
> > >  What I need to $SUBJ?

> > Out of curiosity, what is $SUBJ?  It looks like something VMS-ish to me as


> You'd better polish up on your Unix-knowledge, Brian.
> $SUBJ is a typical Unix-thingie. Think of SUBJ as an environment variable,
> and think of what a shell does with the above syntax.
> A (probably correct) guess is that SUBJ is short for subject, by the
> way... :-)

Actually my brain did immediately attempt to parse $SUBJ to a Unix shell
variable, but that made absolutely no sense to me in the context which was
presented above.  Setting or "doing" a Unix shell variable is too trivial
to ask a question about how to do it, especially given my interpretation
that this poor fellow hasn't gotten his MicroVAX II to do what he wants it
to do.  And that it's all because of what still remains the mystery $SUBJ

Failing to arrive at any meaningful conclusions in applying Unix
knowledge, my brain then focused on what it perceived to be some type of
inherent obscurity and difficulty.  Of course VMS came to mind. :-)


Perhaps I'm missing out on something obivious here, but I've never
actually come across any commonly used shell variable with the name $SUBJ.
Brian D. Chase         Systems Coordinator
-- Compression, Inc. - 13765 Alton Pkwy, Suite B - Irvine, CA 92618, USA --