Subject: RQDX3 + SCSI: Any success?
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bruce Lane <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/26/1997 22:30:18
	Just wondering if anyone on the group has had any luck using both an RQDX3
(with a pair of RD54's and an RX50) and a Sigma Information Systems RQD11
SCSI controller in the same system?

	What I'm trying to do is use the RQDX3 and the RD54's for the system
drives, and the RQD11 SCSI board strictly for a CD-ROM. The SCSI board's
internal utilities correctly announce the presence of the CD-ROM drive (a
Toshiba 3101 that is known for certain to work with a VAXStation 3100/M38). 

	However, I am unable to boot from the CD-ROM using the moniker 'DUB0' or
'DUB1' (or any DU** moniker for that matter), and when I try to load the
system diagnostics tape with the SCSI board installed, I get a halt error
after the initial load and then the system simply boots from the RQDX3 and
first RD54.

	This is not getting me any closer to loading NetBSD or FreeBSD. Any advice
would be most welcome. I can provide exact address settings, error codes,
etc., on request.

	Thanks in advance. Please respond by E-mail if possible.

Bruce Lane, Sysop,  The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fidonet 1:343/272)
(Hamateur: WD6EOS) (E-mail:
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