Subject: Re: putting 16 megs in a uVAX II
To: Boris Gjenero <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/08/1997 10:58:38
> I've just tried to upgrade my MicroVAX II to 16 megs by using two 8 meg
> boards. However, NetBSD thinks I have 9 megs. The 8 meg boards
> themselves do seem okay, and I can use an 8 meg board with a 4 meg board
> to get 13 megs. Does anybody know what could be the problem here? Do I
> need to do something special because the memory on the KA630 needs to be
> disabled? Could this be a NetBSD problem?
If you are running a new kernel (> 970315) then NetBSD gets its memory
size from VMB and do not count it up itself. I.e. it's a hardware problem.
> BTW. With 13 megs the kernel compile does run nicely, so I'm now quite
> sure that a lot of swapping makes NetBSD/vax unstable. However, I made
> the mistake of setting the clock during the compile, and that seems to
> be another nice way to crash the VAX.
How does it crash?
-- Ragge