Subject: Re: Is the console 8 bit clean?
To: Boris Gjenero <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/26/1997 04:29:17
At 09:49 PM 4/25/97 -0400, Boris Gjenero wrote:
>I've just been trying to use zmodem on my VAXstation 2000 and MicroVAX
>II. I compiled Omen Technology rz 3.24 on the VS2000. Sending seemed
>to work fine, but receiving failed in most cases with:
> rz: Persistent CRC or other
>I did manage to get some text files across and it still failed with
>binary files when I was using 300 baud, so I suppose that the port isn't
>8 bit clean. I even tried stty raw and that didn't help.
The console has no buffering at all. It really can't accept an input
stream without dropping characters. Digital has never supported DDCMP
or SLIP or any communications protocol over a console port.
Matt Thomas Internet:
3am Software Foundry WWW URL:
Westford, MA Disclaimer: I disavow all knowledge of this message