Subject: Re: 11/750 again...
To: None <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/21/1997 18:56:33
> Ok, here is a cosole dump from my 11/750 witch won't
> boot as it's supposed to...
> (NetBSD 1.1A)
> cpu0 at backplane 0: 11/750, hardware rev 140 ucode rev 99
> cpu0: no FPU
> sbi0 at backplane 0: LMI750
> mem1 at sbi0 tr0: L022 with 0 M7199 an 8 8750
> No vmspace in fault
> panic: trap: adr0
> Stopped at 0x80091523
> I have also tried it with 6 8750 and 2 M7199, With
> a original Comet L00011 memory controller, but that
> didn't work either... (I also put an terminator
> in the massbus connector at the back of the machine)
> What might be wrong? Any suggestions?
Your problem isn't the memory controller; it's the controller
that is thereafter. Probably mba or uba.
-- Ragge