Subject: problems getting files onto tk50's
To: vax netbsd <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Harbour <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/13/1997 16:34:16
I am trying to get the netbsd install files onto tk50 tapes using a
microvax II running vms 4.7.
initialize /erase mua0: "" looks like it completes ok.
mount /foreign /block=512 mua0: also completes ok
copy mua0: dies. It sez something about
parameter mismatch and file
not completely copied
or if I copy instead, it looks like it completes, but after
copying to the disk, the bootstrap program nboot can't find netbsd or
My microvax is not net connected, so I have to ftp the files into a PC and
kermit them over to the microvax. My knowlege of vms is VERY limited, and
I am out of ideas on this problem. I tried two different sets of source
files and several different mount options with the same problems. I do
have a net board in the machine I am trying to install into, and a few
options for another machine to talk to, but no other dec machines
unfortunately. Also the machine I am trying to install netbsd on has no
other OS on it. Does anybody have any thoughts on the cause of the problem
writing tk50's?
I have a set of files for version 1.2b that someone else put on a tk50 for
me. The edlable and copy program seem to work ok, but the miniroot crashes
after accepting the root partition and making some comments about it. A
couple of people suggested I try a different version, but I would like to
be able to do this myself.
Bob Harbour