Subject: RE: Stability of NetBSD/VAX
To: '' <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Reinhold J. Gerharz <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/11/1997 12:33:31
Mine has a switch on the back to disable halt on break.
Micro VAX I has on-board dip-switches.
From: Boris Gjenero[]
Sent: Friday, April 11, 1997 10:57
To: Reinhold J. Gerharz
Subject: Re: Stability of NetBSD/VAX
Reinhold J. Gerharz wrote:
> I don't know about VS2000, but a uVAX II can be told to HALT by
> sending a break on the console. (This can be disable.) Could it be
> that random binary data is somehow cammanding your terminal to send a
> break or some other command sequence?
This is a possibility. Do you know how to disable the HALT on break
feature on a uVAX II?
Boris Gjenero