Subject: Re: Diskless boot of vs2000
To: Gunnar Helliesen <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/08/1997 15:24:02
> According to the diskless(8) manpage the NetBSD bootserver should have
> an /etc/exports entry like the following:
> /export/myclient -maproot=root -alldirs myclient
> Anyway, it doesn't work as mountd keeps complaining about "bad exports
> list" as long as the -alldirs flag is present in /etc/exports. In order
> to get the vs2000 to boot the kernel I had to change the /etc/exports
> entry to: ...
Yeah. I tried this entire procedure and encountered the same partial
sucess you have had. In my case I was booting a SPARC IPC from my NetBSD
1.1B equiped uVAX-II. Got as far as mounting swap and blamo. I had the
same problems with trying to guess how the heck to export a "file." I
got all the same sorts of errors you did. Since I am a pinhead, I don't
know how to do this and thankfully got some good advice and instead built
a terrific little portable SCSI drive I then used to bootstrap SPARC boxes
from scratch. Not exactly as easy with a VS2000 though I don't think.
Thought I'd add my usual whiny two-bits given I was doing the inverse,
booting a non-VAX box from a VAX via the documented "diskless" method...
-- Ken