Subject: Re: VT-320 terminal for the taking
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/08/1997 01:09:58
At 08:53 PM 4/7/97 -0400, Wonko the Sane @ ~ wrote:
>this is exactly what i've been looking for!!!!! i need something like this so
>i can make my DEC Rainbow operational. i'd love it!!!
This reminds me: anybody know where I can get a video cable to connect my
"new" vs-240/vt-240 (the box says both on it) to a vr-241-a monitor?
My roommate says the cable is a "bcc17".
Oh, and what's a good+cheap place to buy AUI cables? I've got a pair of
DELNIs that I'd like to use, but I need AUI cables.
The plan is to netboot my uVAX-IIs when all of the pieces come together.
Not having to have transcievers would be nice.
Thanks guys.
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Junior, Comp. Sci. - House of Retrocomputing
XCOMM " *** StarDOS makes great coffee! ***"
XCOMM From a mid-80's advertisement in "Compute's GAZETTE", a C64/C128 mag