Subject: Re: BCC08 + VS2000
To: Kevin Williams <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/02/1997 12:57:28
Kevin Williams drunkenly mumbled...
> I'm trying to get a pinout of a BCC08 cable so I can make a serial cable for my VS2000. I was
> orginally going to swipe a VT-220 from work but the VAXen Admin said no way! Anyway.. I want to make a
> BCC08 to RS-232(Laptop serial connector) so I can directly connect to the Vax. However, I am having a
> bit of dificulty locating the wiring info. I know Pins 8+9 need to be shorted... After that I'm lost.
use the printer port (9-pin connector) short pins 8+9 and do the null-modem
deal on the rest and it should work, works on mine just fine,
Just about every computer on the market today runs UNIX, except the Mac
(and nobody cares about it).
-- Bill Joy 6/21/85
"Never underestimate the power of a computer." - Superman III
=== End Transmission ===