Subject: Re: Vax 4000
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/21/1997 16:06:35
   Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 09:20:52 +0000
   From: Matt Thomas <>

   Search for KA660 and IO660 in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.REQ (the first/best way to
   find out about a VAX) gives:

[lots of stuff]

   You'll need to go Q-bus to get disks unless you write a DSSI driver for
   the SHAC (good luck :-).  Same for the SGEC (though I could help with
   that driver).

To make things worse, the vax 4000/200 self-test complains about 

?49 2 19 ff 0000 0004 01	; SUBTEST_49_19, DE_MS650_FDM.LIS

although it is marked as "continue" in the list.

Well, we (me, and Ragge few 100 km to the north) managed to get it to 

yesternight, but I can't reproduce it.

What confuses me a bit, are the switches the cpu board cover:

a) there is the Ethernet AUI/BNC switch... thats ok.

b) another switch, in a box shaped like this:

     /        _     |
    /        /.\    |
   /  Swtch  \_/    |
  /    here   .     |
 /            _     |	  Face
/            / \    |	  symbol
|            \_/    |
|                   |
|                   |	     	 3 position
|                   |  ----> 	 switch here
|                   |
|                   |
|                   |	      ___
|                   |	     /   \
|                   |	    |  T  |
|   __              |	     \___/
|  /__\             |
|  |\/|             |
|  \__/ 	    |
|       	    |

Unfortunately, I wont have these machines for long. They're planned to
end as trade-ins by one of the other sections of CS dept. I just wanted
to play around a bit... I'll give a talk about "NetBSD on DEC hardware"
at the DECUS Munich Symposium in Bonn, and wanted at least to have seen
NetBSD on one of these machines... :-)

   I'd go back to the VLC since is uses a LANCE and 53C94, it's much 
   less effort to get NetBSD working on it.

Well, I can test anything people send me for it. As I've found keyboard
and mouse of the VS4000, I have even both machines accessible at once.

Matt, can you find out about the KA48? (You mentioned you have one
yourself) What audio is this (there's a telephone symbol at one of the
sockets on the side)?
