Subject: RE: mop booting of vs2000
To: Gunnar Helliesen <>
From: Maftoum / Karl Joseph (ISE) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/17/1997 15:46:30
On Mon, 17 Mar 1997, Gunnar Helliesen wrote:

> Just for clarity; this means a mopd that will compile and run under
> NetBSD?
> In that case it's great news, I really don't want to throw out NetBSD in
> favour of Linux on my PC when I get my hands on a uVAX 2000.

It always has! mopd was originally written for NetBSD, I ported it to 
linux so I could boot my VAXstation (for VAXlinux etc).. I wasn't 
expecting anyone to use it to boot NetBSD on a VAX from a linux box.. 
(I'm surprised it works at all).

BTW Thanx for this thread, it has been very interesting seeing people 
boot NetBSD from NFS exported from Linux .

Try doing that with Windows :)



Karl Maftoum
Computer Engineering Student at the University of Canberra, Australia
